Pink ECO - plate, pregnancy test
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Pink ECO - plate, pregnancy test
- Pink ECO - plate, pregnancy test for home use.
- package = 1 pc
Pink Test Eco is the first ecological pregnancy test on market. We reduce the package and resigned from separate leaflet. Thaks to paper saving we protect the woods and care about environment.
Plate Test is the most popular form of pregnancy test. The test itself is very easy to do, you just have to contain a urine into dry and clean container and than place 3 drops of it -with help of small pipette- on a test plate. The test`s results will appear after 2 minutes in the form of colour stripes: 2 stripes - positive , 1 stripe - negative. It is the best to use morning urine for the test since it containf the highest concentration of hCG hormone.
The test con be done after 6 days from the expected conception, but it would be the best to make the test in the first day of expected menstruation. The accuracy of ECO Pink Test is 99% and is equal with laboratory tests.
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